Woodland Management Training

Woodland Management Training

We aim to empower individuals by improving their confidence and knowledge on the means and methods of managing woodlands.

Innovation and active management for woodlands in the Northeast and Yorkshire.

The Northwoods Forestry Sector Support Programme supports and delivers projects that provide innovation and active management for forestry. Read on to discover more about this programme.

Northwoods is an experienced training provider and delivers a number of woodland management training courses to support woodland owners, managers, and interested parties to improve their knowledge and skills on a number of topics including:

-         Introduction to Woodland Management (managing to the UK Forestry Standard)

-         Tree and Timber Measurement and Marketing

-         Forestry and Climate Change

-         Managing Woods for Woodfuel

-         Woodfuel Quality Standards

Our courses provide knowledge transfer and technical training courses, industry leading events and expos and conferences with delivery across the UK. All courses are Lantra Accredited and provided by Lantra certified trainers. Lantra are leaders in land-based industries across the UK and Ireland.

Northwoods run courses across the North East and Yorkshire and can provide individual courses or bundles of courses to individuals or groups depending on requirements.

If you are interested in our courses or looking for something more bespoke, please contact northwoods@reheat.org.uk for more information.