Grey Squirrel Management for Future Woodland Health

Grey Squirrel Management for Future Woodland Health
November 13, 2024
Online webinar

Find out more about the cost to nature from this small but significant invasive species

The Northwoods Innovation Programme hosted a webinar with David Adams from the UK Squirrel Accord looking at the management of grey squirrels for future woodland health.

According to the Royal Forestry Society, " Grey squirrels continue to be seen as the greatest threat to broadleaf trees, ahead of pathogens and deer". Whether you own a woodland, care for one or just enjoy a woodland walk, then we must start to take more seriously the threat they pose to our existing and future tree stocks in the UK or we might find ourselves on the losing end of this battle

Join David Adams, Project Officer for the UK Squirrel Accord to find out more about the cost to nature from this small but significant invasive species.

The UK Squirrel Accord (UKSA) is a partnership working to protect red squirrels and broadleaf woodland from the negative impacts of grey squirrels and increase collaboration.

The webinar is provided as part of the Northwoods Innovation Programme which is looking to bring woodlands into management in the North East and Yorkshire & The Humber regions. The project is funded through the Forestry Commission Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Fund.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at

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