Tree and Timber Measurement and Marketing

Tree and Timber Measurement and Marketing
November 23, 2023
The Smithy, Aske Stables, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 5HG

Tree and Timber Measurement and Marketing

This course is designed to teach the woodland owner or manager to understand the volume assessment of single or stands of trees.

This course is designed to teach the woodland owner or manager to understand the volume assessment of single or stands of trees. Such information is key to the analysis of past growth performance, the implementation of future management, the estimation of the product to be harvested and the identification of appropriate marketing and timescales. This course is useful for those who own or manage trees or woodlands and wish to measure them to apply future management or simply to ‘know what they have got’, or to understand what professionals are doing when they measure them on their behalf. The course includes practical exercises in a forest setting.

£185.00 (ex VAT)

Course provider

Training will be provided by RDI Associates Ltd, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3LS. RDI Associates have been delivering training and events since its inception in 2006. Registered training provider with Lantra Awards, the courses are accredited with Lantra Awards where trainees receive certificates of attendance.  They provide knowledge transfer and technical training courses, industry leading events and expos and conferences with delivery across the UK.

Funding opportunity

Theis course is eligible for grant funding under the Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund. You can keep with the fund, funding availability and apply for courses here.

Course Booking

Course are available to book now. Please email to secure your place. Sign up to the Northwoods Newsletter here to keep up to date with futures courses and events.  

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